Procurement & contracts
Written form
Legal transactions with expenses generally require the written form. Exception: orders via the P4U ordering platform.
A written contract must be concluded if
- total amount > CHF 10,000 or
- a criterion of the amount-independent review (see contract review) is fulfilled.
Contract review
The following contracts must be reviewed by the Legal Services and Data Protection Department prior to conclusion:
- one-time expenditures > CHF 150,000 or
- recurring expenditures > CHF 30,000 per year
- if a criterion of the amount-independent review is met
The criteria for an amount-independent review are
- Liability and contractual penalties (if our current GTC do not apply)
- Continuing obligation (e.g. rent, lease, leasing)
- Intellectual property rights (e.g. copyright or license rights)
- Outsourcing of tasks to third parties (e.g. data processing)
- Cooperation with third parties (e.g. creation of joint facilities)
For the conclusion of legal transactions with expenditures, our current general terms and conditions must always be agreed upon.
P4U is our electronic ordering and purchasing platform. You benefit from attractive price conditions, short delivery times and simple invoice processing.
Procurements of facilities/equipment with a value > CHF 10,000 are subject to a requirements assessment and central coordination by the Asset Management department.
For larger purchases, the regulations of public procurement must be complied with. Depending on the procurement value
- a direct award is possible (goods < CHF 100’000, services < CHF 150’000)
- an invitation procedure (< CHF 250’000)
- an open / selective procedure (>= 250,000 CHF) must be applied.